Subhumans were, between 1980-85, one of the most prolific and original of the evolving UK punk scene. Musical influences were a mix of Sex Pistols, Damned, and similar punk originators and prepunk bands like King Crimson and Frank Zappa, which led to a style of punk more intricate in its structure than their contemporaries, without losing the base energy and dynamics of punk.
Dick's lyrics, at once socially aware and heavily critical of social norms, placed them in the anarcho-punk area, alongside Crass, Antisect, Conflict, and Flux of Pink Indians, who released the band's first 3 EPs and their first LP "The Day The Country Died", which became an instant classic.
In '83 they formed their own label, Bluurg Records, and released the "From the Cradle to the Grave" LP after splitting up in '85. By then they'd played 262 gigs including several European tours and 2 in the USA (which was in the 80's a rare achievement for a non-commercially minded band).
Dick went on to join seminal ska-punk-reggae band Culture Shock, and met up with Phil and Trotsky again in Citizen Fish, who have so far recorded 7 LPs of their politipunk-ska songs and clocked up over 1000 gigs across the planet. Then in '98 these 3 ex-Subhumans roped Bruce back in to reform Subhumans, to 'see what it felt like', and, it feeling rather excellent, have kept going with occasional touring and a limited release CD of old unused songs, "Unfinished Business".
Since then, Subhumans have released a new album, "Internal Riot", and toured regularly in Europe, the USA and Australia.
Queens of the Stone Age recorded and released their version of a Subs song 'Wake Up Screaming', and the film director Asia Argento has asked to use Subs music in her adaptation of "The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things".
"Frontman Dick Lucas is totally engaging. There is a fierce intelligence here in his lyrics, his delivery and his between song banter where his passion for the old school punk political hits home. They play fast and there is a wild, feral energy to what they do. They have this punk rock thing so honed down, so perfect - the fluidity of the rhythm section, mind boggling brilliant bass lines from Phil to let yourself go to and Trotsky's stop start drums that never settle for a boring 4/4 when something more exciting will do are so effective. Bruce's rasping punk rock guitar completes the perfect backdrop for Dick's passionate delivery - he works himself up into a sweatshod frenzy as the band hit the stage in top gear and never leave that level of intensity. If you still need any proof of the intelligence and anti establishment smarts in punk rock then the Subhumans are still out there, still meaning something and still making sense in a senseless world."
"Considering how long this band have been going it’s incredible how much energy they still display when they play live. Frontman and lyricist Dick Lucas is still an absolute inspiration. Somehow he doesn’t seem to have aged a bit proving that the anarcho punk lifestyle is obviously good for your health. Incredible band."
"Even some 13 years since their previous release, the Subhumans manage to pull an incredible crowd, that is more than willing to join in with many of the songs: affirming the true test of whether a band’s appeal is more than just contemporary. Original fans may feel a little cheated to see 25 past songs included but it serves as a reminder of the quality of music in the not so distant past and will certainly introduce a younger generation to the punk that inspired a whole new musical scene. It seems quite incredible that the Subhumans have managed to produce a record so encompassing of their musical careers, yet take that music to even higher levels. This 5th Fat Wreck Chords 'Live In A Dive' release has to rate as one of the best so far. Quite simply: we need more of this around!"
"Die beiden ersten Alben der englischen Subhumans sind für mich absolute Meilenstücke des britischen Punkrocks."
- Ox Fanzine
"Wie unglaublich gut SUBHUMANS sind! Dieser extrem bissige, politische Hardcore der Achtziger, gemischt mit Offbeats – eine Killer-Kombination, ein absoluter Höhepunkt für mich. Und Dick ist der Meister der auf den Punkt gebrachten, unpeinlichen politischen Ansage."
- Ox Fanzine, Live Review Rebellion Festival 2016
"Nun waren sie also endlich auch beim Sommerfest-Open Air präsent. Und wie. Vom ersten Song an gaben die Briten dem inzwischen zahlreich versammelten Publikum richtig Zunder. Bei Stücken wie „Waste of Breath“, „This Year’s War“ oder „Apathy“ (siehe den Clip weiter unten) gab’s dann sowohl für die Musiker als auch für die Fans kein Halten mehr. Dick sprang, hüpfte und tänzelte auf der Bühne ohne Unterlass -immer in Bewegung, der Mann (und eine Herausforderung für alle, die versuchten, ihn zu fotografieren). Dabei schrie er voller Leidenschaft seine pointierten, die Gesellschaft und Politik aufs Korn nehmenden Texte heraus, das Publikum moshte im Zuschauerraum, die Mutigeren (oder durch Alkohol Schmerzbefreiten) versuchten sich im Stagediving. Für mich war die Show Fest für Ohr und Auge zugleich: Einen Performer wie Dick sieht man nicht alle Tage."
-, Live Review 2012
"Wer hätte gedacht, dass uns die SUBHUMANS noch mal ein Album bescheren? Denn Gerüchten zufolge taten sie sich nur wieder zusammen, um live zu spielen... Erst vor kurzem haben sie ihre Europa-Tournee beendet, und sie klingen immer noch so wie in den Achtzigern. Das gilt für ihre Gigs und auch für das neue Album. In den über 25 Jahren hat Sänger Dick kein bisschen an Energie und Ausstrahlung verloren. Auf jeden Fall hört sich „International riot“ nicht anders an, als die Klassiker vergangener Zeiten und steht ihnen in nichts nach. Also Anarcho-Punk vom Allerfeinsten mit vielen eingängigen und melodischen Parts. Vom politischen Engagement her wurden sie gerne in einem Atemzug mit Bands wie CRASS und CONFILCT genannt. Nur, dass die SUBHUMANS um einiges geradliniger vom Sound her waren. Ihre politische Einstellung und ihre soziale Ader zeigte sich auch den Fans gegenüber, so waren Konzertkarten immer erschwinglich und auf ihren Platten stand „pay no more than 3,5 pounds“. Doch dieses Verhalten sorgte nicht nur für glückliche Fans, die SUBHUMANS waren nie so erfolgreich wie zum Beispiel die SEX PISTOLS oder THE CLASH. Sie sind sich eben immer treu geblieben und haben sich nie verkauft. Ach ja, so geht es auch. Ich bin jedenfalls sehr begeistert vom aktuellen Machwerk der SUBHUMANS, das in einem schönen Digipack daherkommt."
"Die Subhumans sind für mich nach Crass die zweitwichtigsten Vertreter des UK-Punk. Genau wie Crass gehören sie zu der Gruppe von gesellschaftskritischen- anarchistischen Bands , die sich strikt dem Kommerz verweigern. Kritik an der Gesellschaft ist ihr Hauptthema, die Texte und die Songs sind eigentlich unterbewertet, gemessen an Ihrer Aussagekraft und Genius."
- Dinnerfornoone
"Die Jungs, pardon, mittlerweile doch etwas in die Jahre gekommenen Gentlemen verstehen einfach ihr Handwerk und vom ersten Ton an tanzte der Mob im gut gefüllten Club ausgelassen Pogo. Und wer bei solchen Klassikern wie „No“, „Mickey Mouse is Dead“, „Evolution“, „Society“, „Apathy“, „Waste of Breath“ oder den jüngeren Hits wie „Too Fat, too Thin“ oder „Point of View“ nicht mittanzen oder zumindest mit dem Kopf mitnicken muss, der hat auf einem Punkkonzert nichts verloren. Da wurden Fäuste nach oben Subhumansgereckt und der Schweiß lief in Strömen – im Publikum und auf der Bühne."
-, Live Review 2015
The Restarts, formed in 1995, are a tight three piece, multi-genre punk outfit based in East London. They play thrashy, anarcho, power chord punk laced with Ska breaks and pogo inducing basslines earning them a loyal following of punk lovers of all ages.
The Restarts have been hammering their way through the squats of Europe and DIY house shows across North America with reckless abandon. They lend amplification to unheard voices, playing benefit gigs for various social causes and keeping the DIY spirit of punk rock alive and well.
Their years of hard graft is recognised by them being requested to play along side such heavy weights as Steve Ignorant's Crass, Jello Biafra & GSM, Millions of Dead Cops, The Casualties, Star Fucking Hipsters and The Subhumans.
After several tours over Europe, the US, Canada, Australia and South Asia and over 9 releases the Restarts have found themselves playing a small part in a large world wide network of DIY Punk Rock. They are punks first, musicians second. They feel the social importance of Punk Rock takes priority over the "marketability" of a rehashed trend.
In 2019 they published a split 7" with the Subhumans and their new album "Uprising".
Die RESTARTS spielen vor einem total vollen Saal. Kieran, der Sänger schreit seine wütenden Punktexte in die Menge. Die RESTARTS machen Punk mit klarer politischer Ansage weil: 'there are a lot of assholes out there'. Sie spielen immer noch so zornig, wie Anfang der 90er in den besetzten Häusern."
- Useless Fanzine, Live Review, Rebellion Festival 2012
Gewürzt mit einer ordentlichen Prise Streetpunk strotzen die Songs vor Rebellion und Aggression. Der Sound ist rau, grob, melodisch und sehr eingängig. RESTARTS sind weder müde noch leiser geworden... Diese Hoffnung ist Antrieb. RESTARTS geben mit diesem Album Mut, den eigenen Weg weiter zu gehen, und das ist mehr, als viele Bands heutzutage schaffen."
- Wahrschauer
"The Restarts first crawled out of the North London Squat scene nearly a decade ago. Serial dole scroungers the lot of them, they named their band after the dreaded 'back to work' interviews and set about touting their stroppy four-chord punk to spiky-haired audiences around the world. Yelling out barbed diatribes against the state over chunky metal guitars, they've slowly but surely clawed their way to the top of the underground pile."
- Terrorizer
"This is dance in the basement, spanner in the works, back porch drinking, bomb in the police station punk!!! I never knew Steve Ignorant had pregnancy-inducing sex with all of POISON IDEA, but this is some cute baby they had. Oh, also good people. They played at a house in West Oakland last month, and rocked us with energy and astounded us with their good manners!"
- Maximum Rock'n'Roll
"Abrasive yet catchy UK punk with raw vocals and plenty of chorus sing a longs. The razor blade throated lead vocalist give this plenty of raw edge while through most of it the music has a much more uplifting energy to it... Oddly enough, it seems rare to come across the bands that play straight forward old-style punk rock and so this is a refreshing cause they've been at it for like a decade. Cheers guys. Good catchy shit."
- Slug and lettuce
"I've seen them play many times in London and always rated them pretty highly as a live band but never really got to hear their stuff on record yet. Things have changed now as I got a copy of their latest album. It seems I've been missing out on something very big. This album is the dogs bollocks! This goes right into my top 20 albums of all time I reckon. 12 songs of punk rock how it should be played."
- London
"I caught the mighty RESTARTS at Brum punx picnic & they rocked the house down w/ their abrasive punk rock... Raging punk rock w/ honest social commentary shows that THE RESTARTS are one class act!... As usual THE RESTARTS win another battle of the bands."
- Punk shocker, Newcastle Fanzine
"With ex members of Coitus, Armed and Hammered, and Assrash UK, it was no surprise that the RESTARTS kick-ass!! All three members share the vocals and each deliver them powerfully... These guys plan to tour the US this summer!...I can't wait."
- Profane Existence