The Dizzy Brains sind eine Garage Rock Band, inspiriert von den Sonics und den Stooges. Ihre intensive Live Show bläst alles weg.
Sie kommen aus Madagaskar, einem der ärmsten und korruptesten Länder der Welt. Gegründet wurde die Band von zwei Brüdern, die gegen die Ungleichheit singen und kämpfen, gegen den Mangel an Perspektiven und die Einschränkungen der Freiheit im Alltag der Madagassen.
Die Liebe zum Rock'n'Roll kommt von der Generation ihrer Väter, wobei sie Little Richard gegenüber Elvis Presley den Vorzug gaben. Mit ihren Songs wollen sie bewusst provozieren: "Wir laufen nie im Radio und können in keinen Konzerthallen auftreten, da die Betreiber Angst vor Problemen haben, die sie nach unserem Auftritt bekommen könnten."
The Dizzy Brains sind regelmäßige Gäste im französischen Fernsehen und tourten bereits in Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Südkorea usw.
Im Jahr 2019 bringen sie ihr brandneues zweites Album "Tany Razana" nach Europa, wie schon das erste beim französischen Label X-Ray Production erschienen.
- Artikel bei GlobalVoices -
"Garage rock by its nature is simple to play – its the entry point for nearly every guitar mangler on the planet and consequently can be a hit or miss afafair but when it is played with this much fire, intensity and imagination it can sound like one of the most thrilling types of music on the planet. Try and magazine watching the Stooges at their feral pre fame best complete witha skinny Madagascan hanging from the mic with his shirt stripped off like a youthful Iggy, or try to imagine the garage end of the Dead Kennedys cranked through the superfuzz of Mudhoney and that thrilling rush of early Nirvana and you are in the ballpark witha band who pique your curiosity with their home country but transcend it with their unrelenting power and twitching energy. With each song being a lesson in tension and dynamics The Dizzy Brains could actually be the best garage rock band in the world, they are that good…"
- Louder Than War, May 2017, Live Review
"Check it out. Its easy to see why they are a great band to have at any festival, as they bring with them energy, up beat rock songs to have any crowd dancing about. A young rock group from Madagascar The Dizzy Brains is capturing the imagination and attention of the music scene in Europe. The band’s unique style is a blend of punk and garage rock and their provocative lyrics tell stories about politics, power and protest in Madagascar. Since their songs challenge authority, the band was shunned from most concert venues and radio stations in Madagascar, but the band developed quite a following underground on social media and outside the country... The Dizzy Brains grabbed audiences in France after their appearance on the popular French television show 'Le Petit Journal' on April 14, 2016. During the show, one member of the band sparked a buzz on Malagasy social networks and blogs because he openly challenged Madagascar’s new prime minister, urging him on to do more for the country: 'just do your job, man!' This bold and spontaneous plea was the talk of the town in Madagascar for a while and fitted quite well with the group’s musical identity based on protest and civic engagement... The group continues to tour Europe and the young musicians continue to educate the world on their home country of Madagascar."
"These kids absolutely rock. They are going to make the fire, I’m sure of it. Because rock, in the end, is the vehicle of rebellion, and that’s without a doubt a little lost in the West. While in Madagascar, what they’re singing has meaning. This is coming from the streets."
- Jean-Louis Brossard, director of the Trans-Musicales festival in Rennes
No shows booked at the moment.