European Tour Booking for Punk, Rock and Indie Artists

Upcoming tours 2016


Dec 1, 2015 News Comments are off

Turbo Booking is busy as a bee. I’m preparing eight tours right now for Portland’s admirable and adorable Don’t, P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S. and Jenny Don’t & The Spurs, also for Feral Kizzy‘s wonderful wave/dark pop which always reminds me of the B-52’s, another tour for the very special all-girl post punk/noise pop band Punčke from Croatia and last but not least for the Veggers, Reddot and the Dead Buttons, the first Korean punk bands ever touring in Germany!

Beside the upcoming tours you can book the Subhumans, Citizen Fish, Culture Shock, Dead Buttons, P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S., Sects Tape, 1982 and Pete Bentham & the Dinner Ladies for festivals in 2016.