European Tour Booking for Punk, Rock and Indie Artists

Announcement from The Restarts


Feb 12, 2022 Comments are off

“Hello folks,
we want to come clean here… over the lockdown we have been trying to navigate through some serious setbacks that are preventing us from doing what we love.
It is hugely frustrating as you can imagine but Jeremy has been struggling with nerve damage in his elbow which is preventing him from drumming. On top of this, Robin now has some damage to his left hand (resulting in numbness) preventing him from playing the guitar properly.
For this reason, regrettably, we are having to cancel Undercover Festival and Events in April (Guilford).
We are happy to hear Mick got the legendary Omega Tribe on as our replacement.
We will let you know any updates as we get them, but at the moment there is no definitive prognosis so it is hard to predict when we will be up and running again.
Please bear with us.
All the best,
x The Restarts